Many have written what it is to be a mom, what it is to love a child and about that love you feel deep in the pit of your belly as the events of life unfold – good and not so good. And today, as I write these lines, my story is not a fabric of the imagination but a fabric of real life.
I have always loved you and wished you always smiled, always found happiness and always loved others and I never imagined I would have to see you in pain as I did. In your moments of pain, the pit in my belly overflowed with even more love and my earnest desire was to take your pain and fold it into my being. But you were strong, so ladylike and brave and you forged ahead as we tried to find the reason for your pain and when we did, I wondered why you. Why at this age. But it was better to have known and find the cure so you can smile again. It is what mothers do.
And you are smiling again. I know love and I know the anguish of a mother watching her child in pain. I will be there, I will always be there because I am your mommy!